Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Interrupting the President's Vacation

By now we are all aware that the tentacles of liberalism run much deeper than we had heretofore suspected. Case in point: Hurricane Katrina, and the liberal smear she has made to the president's sterling reputation as a leader. The liberals timed this one just right. They interrupted the president right in the middle of his summer vacation (actually in his vacation-within-a-vacation to Idaho).

We all know the president is a hard-working man. He has told us so many times, especially during the debates of 2004 ("It's hard work"). A man who works so hard needs his rest, and our president was resting up, and then some damn liberals asked God to send this hurricane to the Gulf Coast to disrupt his rest.

Well, not for nothing is this man known for his character. As the hurricane smashed ashore, proving the most dire predictions of the forecasters, Bush held his course, and headed straight to San Diego for a GOP fundraiser and some relaxing guitar strumming. And then, just to prove he couldn't be rushed, the man took another day at his ranch in Texas (this was Tuesday, when the levees broke), and then, just to insure no one thought him unresponsive, he had the pilots tip the wings of Airforce One as he passed over the ruins on the way to Washington.

That's composure, folks. An unhurried and well-rested approach to problem-solving. He continues this week to prove his even-tempered outlook this week, diligently working through the details of the calamity without all the alarmism seizing others aghast at the slowing rising death toll. This is a well-rested, unperturbable president. A man of real character.

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