Saturday, December 10, 2005


Because We're the USA--That's Why.

Reports out of Germany have the chancellor of that country, Andrea Merkel, insulting our secretary of state, Condelleza Rice. Merkel asserted that our seizure and detention without charge of a German citizen was somehow a "mistake." Apparently, Ms. Merkel even suggested that Dr. Rice had admitted it was a mistake.

This is an outrage. Anything the United States does--to anyone, in any country--is by definition warrented and appropriate. To suggest otherwise is to insult our long history of sound judgment and government by law. It's not like we've set up secret prisions, or held people for five years without charge, or tortured people (if we did, there'd be photos!). But to compound that by suggesting that our secretary of state (and maybe, just maybe, the next president), is a shameless politico hack who talks out of both sides of her mouth... well, the outrage is just too great.

Our republic has been impugned.

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