Tuesday, June 28, 2005


A Foolish Consistency

Much is being made of the fact that recently Vice President Cheney said the insurgency in Iraq was in its death throes, while Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld said that the insurgency could last as long as 12 years. (http://www.davidcorn.com/2005/06/no_reason_for_n.php). Don't people understand that something could die over 12 years?--It probably takes that long for an elephant to die. What exactly is a throe, anyway?

Repeat after me: our glorious leaders are correct when they say the war is ending; they are correct when they say it is just beginning. They are correct when they say "Mission Accomplished"; they are correct when they ask for more money. They are always right. I mean, they couldn't be our leaders if they weren't right, right?

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