Thursday, February 09, 2006
Where were the Advance Men?

The main point here that someone on the president's staff completely dropped the ball. Our glorious leader normally appears before hand-picked crowds, complete with pre-selected questions for him. That's the kind of event we should have had here. Where are all our polite black Republicans? The GOP, after all, is the mainstream American political party, filled with respect and appreciation for everyone. Where was Condi Rice?--I saw her at the Super Bowl. Someone should have given this Lowery guy a script, made him follow it, or told him not to attend. After all, they should feel grateful and lucky that Bush came. It's not like these colored folks voted for him or something.
I think the response from the Red State community collected here says it all:
Saturday, January 07, 2006
One with the Troops
It's great to see our commander-in-chief shares the same fearless bravery that our wounded and injured soldiers have displayed. They've fought insurgents; he's fought scrub brush. Moral equivalents, certainly.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Because We're the USA--That's Why.
Reports out of Germany have the chancellor of that country, Andrea Merkel, insulting our secretary of state, Condelleza Rice. Merkel asserted that our seizure and detention without charge of a German citizen was somehow a "mistake." Apparently, Ms. Merkel even suggested that Dr. Rice had admitted it was a mistake.
This is an outrage. Anything the United States does--to anyone, in any country--is by definition warrented and appropriate. To suggest otherwise is to insult our long history of sound judgment and government by law. It's not like we've set up secret prisions, or held people for five years without charge, or tortured people (if we did, there'd be photos!). But to compound that by suggesting that our secretary of state (and maybe, just maybe, the next president), is a shameless politico hack who talks out of both sides of her mouth... well, the outrage is just too great.
Our republic has been impugned.
This is an outrage. Anything the United States does--to anyone, in any country--is by definition warrented and appropriate. To suggest otherwise is to insult our long history of sound judgment and government by law. It's not like we've set up secret prisions, or held people for five years without charge, or tortured people (if we did, there'd be photos!). But to compound that by suggesting that our secretary of state (and maybe, just maybe, the next president), is a shameless politico hack who talks out of both sides of her mouth... well, the outrage is just too great.
Our republic has been impugned.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Leaving the Rich Alone
Can rich people catch a break? Here we have the spectacle of a war profiteer throwing a birthday bash for his sweet daughter--employing some of the most famous names in rock to do it--and suddenly the liberals are up in arms.
We say let the rich be. If the government doesn't catch you manufacturing a defective product until a few soldiers die, well, buyer beware. It's David Brook's money (via the taxpayers and the Pentagon). So he can blow it buying a few washed-up rock stars (and a drunk rapper) to serenade his daughter. Everyone, after all, buys defective product now and then.
We say let the rich be. If the government doesn't catch you manufacturing a defective product until a few soldiers die, well, buyer beware. It's David Brook's money (via the taxpayers and the Pentagon). So he can blow it buying a few washed-up rock stars (and a drunk rapper) to serenade his daughter. Everyone, after all, buys defective product now and then.
Monday, November 21, 2005
A Good Boy Becomes President

Much has been made of this video clip on the liberal blogs. They are chortling watching our president unable to open a locked door. Some of them are even making specious analogies about exit strategies in Iraq.
Well, this video should make all supporters of RSA proud. A locked door could happen to anyone. But how our president responds is special. He doesn't look over and ask someone for help. That would be rude. Instead, he parks himself in the corner like a good boy, and waits until someone directs him. Confused and waiting for direction.
Not like that's an analogy for anything.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
A Bender Now and Then

At RSA, we've had enough of smirking liberals discussing the president's penchant for tying one on now and then. Everyone knows a bender takes the edge off. The president, after all, has a lot of stress. Really, a lot. It's hard work being president. So I say the man deserves a drink or two. Or three. Or five. Or eight.
Listen, these damn northern teetotalers don't understand the value of a six-pack, seven-ounce, Texas Saturday night. They have absolutely no sense of fun. So the White House keeps having to invent these lame excuses (like the pretzel incident) to explain the results of Bush getting his freak on.
We say enough. There's nothing wrong with the hair of the dog that bit ya at breakfast. Or a three martini lunch. Or a six-pack or two with dinner. You need something to relax you when you have to make all these hard decisions--especially when some of your best buddies are lookin' to do a stretch upstate at any moment.
Cut the guy a break. He's drunk, and we're better off for it.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Torture for a Good Cause

We all know that torture is terrible. I mean really terrible. Bad.
Of course the bad guys do it. But sometimes the good guys have to do it, too. I know this because I saw the Dirty Harry movies.
So we probably have to torture those guys in Guantanamo, because they are bad guys and would torture us. But the thing is, that we are Americans and because we are really good at things, I'm sure we've mastered torture. So it probably isn't so torturous. Why else would the Vice President want to keep a loophole in the new torture law congress is proposing? He knows we've got this down, and being a good American, knows we'd lose our touch if we couldn't practice it.
And because we've refined and developed torture to such an art, we might want to think about extending it to places where we haven't tortured so far. Just so long as it is in a good cause.
You can't be too safe, and since we can't have a safe government with a bunch of irresponsible people leaking state secrets to irresponsible reporters, I'm sure Vice President Cheney, in addition to supporting the torture of those wicked, uncharged men in Guantanamo, would second this request to have the government torture C. Lewis (Scooter) Libby so we can find out who told him about that CIA agent gal.
Seems like torture in good cause to me.